Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Partner Work

Grade 2 social studies is all about communities.

We are still working at learning more about our community. Right now we are learning about the jobs that people in our community have.

Research is such a great skill for students to have, so we started a very small research project. Students worked in partners to find information from books. (They thought that reading books would be the best way to gather information).

I was so excited when we got started. Students did a great job choosing which job they would like to work on and got started reading for information right away. All the groups worked really well together.

The final product is not yet finished as I want them to make a poster about what they have learned. (We will be working on that today.) But the information that they wrote down is great.

Something that I'm still thinking about, and will have to make a decision very quickly, is do I edit for spelling or let them use their best try at spelling.  I'm leaning more towards just having them use their spelling. These posters will not be put up in the hallway, just our classroom, so I don't feel they need to be in published form.

I will try to post the final products tomorrow.


  1. Hey Cheryl! I miss your blog posts :( Will you be attending the Manitoba BYTE conference on technology in Neepawa this year? I'm presenting and was wondering if you were going to be attending?
    It would be nice to meet up with someone else who is blogging and familiar with WBT.

    Miss L
    Miss L’s Whole Brain Teaching

  2. Miss L.
    I actually did not know about the BYTE conference but I looked into it and looks interesting. I'm going to check with my principal and see if I can go. I'm actually originally from Neepawa so I'd even have a place to stay!

    As for the blog posts.... I know, I know... I'm getting one ready to post soon.

    1. I never realized you were from Neepawa, that is so convenient. If you end up going let me know, we can meet up!

      And I was just teasing about the blog posts, I know how busy it can be! :)

      Miss L
      Miss L’s Whole Brain Teaching
